How does a Water Softener work?
Through the process of ion-exchange, the magnesium and calcium minerals contained within your water supply are removed during the process. These minerals are what causes the limescale build up on your pipes and appliances, such as your kettle.
Not only does removing these minerals prove beneficial to your home and making everything shinier, it is also kinder on your skin.
It works by having two cylinders that contain resin. As the water enters your home, millions of microscopic beads in the cylinders trap the minerals and essentially filters out the softer part of water into your home.
Because the resin is trapping the minerals, it requires regular cleaning which is also known as regeneration. This is where the block salt comes in. The regeneration is automatic as it uses the block salt, which is manually topped up, to go through the cleaning process. Typical usage is one block of salt per person per month.